Services Business

Pricing your next WordPress Project

Pricing is tough. I always start there. But here are some resources (videos, posts, ebooks) that may help you out.

Five tips for dealing with non-paying clients (after deploying a site)

Here are five tips that I want to share with you about dealing with non-paying clients.

Are you a WordPress-Oriented business? Need business help? Check here

Need business help? Well, even if I can't help you, you're still in luck - because here are three great resources for you.

The Freelancers guide to Risky Projects: Questionable Clients

How do you define questionable? What makes a questionable client? And how do you know you're not a questionable developer? Here's a strategy to help.

Developers, architects and managers: Consider my two day rule

It started as a simple question but has turned into a guide that impacts almost every aspect of software development on my teams: it's my two day rule.

The Freelancers guide for Risky Projects: Pricing Risk

Of the many things you can do when dealing with projects full of unknowns, the first, in my opinion, is a skill all freelancers should have: pricing risk.

WordPress developers, stop leaving money on the table

This is a blog post for WordPress developers. And it's not a post about pricing. But it does highlight how you may missing a golden opportunity.

Is this the reason your billings are low?

There are many reasons that your billings may be low. Just don't let the presence of fear be one of them.

Serving your clients or your client’s clients

Folks who cut hair get it. You liking your cut is great. But not enough. As a web professional, do you know it's not just about serving your clients?

Business Models shouldn’t be scary

Having a hypothesis of how your business will run is a good thing. Calling them business models may make them sound scarier, but they don't have to be.